Ari Novick Reviews Anger Management and Parenting Classes in Orange County

Dr. Ari Novick Reviews Programs in Orange County

I am constantly amazed at the lack of resources for anger management and parenting classes here in Orange County which is requires as we see many road rage accident reports.  We get phone calls frequently about our programs and how they compare to other agencies they’ve taken classes from and were dissatisfied.  In reviewing our programs vs. the numerous other programs out there in the area there are a few key differences.  Here are some of the most notable ones:

1. We use an organized and systematic approach based on current research.  All participants use a structured curriculum (a workbook that we provide the first time a student arrives).

2. We cover a different lesson each week. This allows students of our classes to walk out of the class feeling like they actually learned something practical that they can use in their daily lives

3. We aren’t providing group therapy.  Oftentimes parenting or anger management classes that aren’t run by trained providers or by psychotherapists with little or no training provide a process group format.  Process groups are not structured and do not teach specific skills.  I’m not against process groups or group therapy but not as it relates to teaching classes.

4. We provide several options for attending classes here in Orange County.  For parenting, you can come any Thursday at 7pm.  Classes are open ended so one can start anytime and the streets around even have parent and child markings from so they are easy to recognize. You can click here to know more about other parking needs such as surfacing. For anger management, classes meet at 6pm on either Tuesday or Thursday at our Laguna Beach based office.  We also offer a 4 hour class on the third Saturday of each month.

When calling around looking for a program, really ask hard questions about the program and structure during your review.  Find out who’s teaching the classes and their training.  Not all classes are the same.  Cheap doesn’t mean good, in fact, it might mean just the opposite.

Please take classes with Dr. Ari Novick because of his experience in the field, great sense of humor and structured approach.  Whether you have a court requirement or simply want to refine your skills, classes from AJ Novick Group, Inc will not disappoint.   Call our office at 949-715-2694

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Testimonial for Anger Class Online

It’s always nice to get positive feedback from clients and customers who utilize our products and services.  This email came to us today and I thought it would be nice to share:

“I wanted to commend your company on the excellent response we received from the two employees who successfully completed your (12) hour on-line Anger Management course.
Both employees stated that they felt the course curriculum had given them valuable insight into dealing with stress, on the job disagreements and controlling their anger and reactions. I should add that these were unsolicited comments and both men seemed sincerely impressed with how the course material had provided means for personal growth and insight.
Please feel free to use this note as a full endorsement of your products and call with any questions or comments you may have.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
To learn more about our online anger management classes for your employees, for court requirements or simply for personal growth, simply click here

Disruptive Physician Programs in California

Hospitals nationwide seek services to help with physicians who have violated either hospital or University policy by behaving badly.  There are numerous programs to send physicians to around the country and a select few in California.  Our agency, AJ Novick Group, Inc. has been providing coaching services for over 10 years.  We have targeted and customized programs aimed at working exclusively with physicians who have been identified as having disruptive behavior.

A recent case example was a physician who was referred to our agency for using crude language while performing surgery.  While he viewed the incident as nothing more than joking, his use of foul and inappropriate language created an environment where other employees felt intimidated and uncomfortable.  The nurse who complained said she felt so distracted that it took away from her ability to do an effect job and thus jeopardized patient safety.

Disruptive behavior by physicians becomes a liability for hospitals, surgery centers and major Universities due to increased lawsuits and malpractice cases.  Physicians who are trained in communication skills, increasing empathy and improving coping skills for stress management do much better in the long run because they have good interpersonal skills.

Our disruptive physician training programs can be tailored around the schedule of the doctor and can be provided at our office in Laguna Beach, CA or off site at any location in the United States.  Our program is also listed in the Directory of Physician Assessment and Remedial Education Programs

Please feel free to contact our office for more information.  We can provide administrative and physician references upon request.  Our office number is 949-715-2694


Parent Certification Training on the Rise!

Most parent educators have few choices when it comes to getting certified to teach parenting classes.  Existing programs either do not offer a well structured training program or locations for certification are out of reach or too expensive.

The AJ Novick Group, in connection with developed a state of the art parent certification training in 2013, which has been slowing gaining momentum as one of the leading training programs in the nation.  Parent educators not only learn to teach a 10 step model to parents, but also learn the nuts and bolts of starting their own parenting class business.

Want to learn more?  Visit us here or simply go to

AJ Novick Group Disruptive Physician Program Quoted in

Image 1Hospitals, well being committees, universities and doctors have few resources when it comes to getting help for disruptive behavior.  This is mostly due to the fact that some of the largest programs in the county, (Pace and Vanderbilt) are over populated and take most doctors away from their work for several days at a time.

The AJ Novick Group provides training for doctors identified with disruptive behavior and has several training options, including on and off site training, individualized programs, and tele-health programs that can be completed via Skype.   Medscape magazine online featured our company and highlighted the importance of referring doctors vs. incurring the potential liability of a lawsuit or sacrifice patient care.

For more information, please contact our office at 949-715-2694

Better Business Bureau Features Dr. Ari Novick in Guest Blog

Dr. Ari Novick is one of the nations leading experts in the field of anger management. His agency, AJ Novick Group, Inc. provides both in person and online programs for anger management for individuals, couples, corporations and teens.  He is also a sought after guest speaker who’s online programs are currently used by the NFL and Major League Soccer.

The Better Business Bureau recently asked Dr. Novick to write a guest post on their blog, which can be found here.  The articles addresses some of the lesser known truths about managing anger and controlling ones temper.

Two Simple Rules to Live by to Better Manage Anger

Angry CoupleRule number 1.  Take personal responsibility for everything you do, think, and feel.
Rule number 2. Stop blaming others for your bad behavior.

Is it really that simple?  Well, yah, it is.  It’s true that there are numerous coping skills to better manage and control anger.  I have taught these techniques to anger management students for years.  Communicating better, that’s a no brainer that most people need a little help with.  Becoming more emotionally intelligent.  Sounds easy, but in practice, angry people struggle with this.  Just getting control of our stress.  These are some basic skills that are routinely taught in most anger management programs and by therapists across the country.

I believe that before we start gaining skills we must first embrace these two simple rules.  Let’s explore rule one.  Taking personal responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  No one makes us behave badly nor controls our feelings or thoughts.  Controlling thoughts, feelings and emotions is a choice, a very conscious choice we all make.  One of the wonderful things that sets human beings apart from other animals on the planet, other than our apposing thumbs, is our large brains and high IQ.  What comes with a high IQ?  It is our ability to make choices and not act on instinct every time we get upset.

Let’s take a look at an example of this.  Lets say someone you don’t like insults you and you feel angry and decide to insult them back.  Then they apologize and you feel better.  Who was in control of your thoughts, feelings and behavior?  Sadly, it wasn’t you.  If others can make you angry and just as easily make you feel better, then all the power is handed over to them.  Taking responsibility gives us the freedom and control over ourselves and we can make smarter and more intelligent choices.  The simple rule of taking personal responsibility might sound simple, but it does take practice.

Now, I’d like to examine rule number 2.  Stop blaming others for our bad behavior.  It’s really easy to blame others for our actions.  There are several fundamental problems with this mentality.  The first is that other people don’t really have that control over you (as mentioned above) and the other is that when we behave badly the focus now moves to our behavior and not the topic at hand.  Blaming others is really easy.  When we do this, we shift all the responsibility on to them and its give us license to say or do as we wish.  The problem, of course, is that when we do this, the recipient will often focus on the bad behavior and not the problem.  This can be incredibly frustrating for someone that is looking to get respect for blaming others, much like someone seeking help at the clinic for their emotional struggles.

Here’s a case example:  Your wife comes home an hour late, without calling or texting you.  During this hour of waiting you’ve grown angry, insulted, worried and feel disrespected.  As the door opens you launch into yelling at her, expressing your anger.  Your voice is raised, yelling some non-flattering explicative. She storms off into another room and tells you to leave her alone.  Now your upset even more thinking “she’s the one who showed up late without calling and I’m the bad guy?”.  Sound familiar?

Well, you are the bad guy.  Why?  Because instead of taking control of your emotions and behavior, you allowed yourself to blame her for being upset and hostile.  She is now focused on your swearing and yelling rather than your justifiable complaint of her being an hour late.

Stop the blame game and do the right thing, by taking control of your own behaviors and stop giving yourself permission to behave badly.   Following these two simple rules might just be the game changer to happier and healthier relationships.

Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.

Dr. Ari Novick’s Presentation at Minor League Baseball Conference is a Success!

Dr. Novick presented yesterday at the 2014 Baseball Winter Meetings in San Diego, CA.  The presentation was titled, “Fan Conduct Class- Improving fan safety and the game day experience”. The presentation was made to approximately 100 Minor and Major league teams and educated them about the Fan Conduct Class program.

While fan ejections are lower in baseball then some other professional sports, there are still a small percentage of fans that do get ejected from games for behaving badly and violating the clubs “Code of Conduct” policy.  The Fan Conduct Class program is a new way for professional baseball to address this very serious problem in an educational way.  Fans ejected will be required to complete the simple, yet informative, online class prior to being legally allowed back into the stadium.  Fans will learn basic skills to improve their behavior as well as get a 1/1 tutorial on the clubs code of conduct policy.MilB logo

The purpose of the class is to, of course, improve attendance and ticket sales, increase fan moral and safety and make the game day experience as good as possible for every fan.

If you attended the conference or simply want more information on the program, please fill out our contact form at Fan Conduct

Ari Novick to Speak at Minor League Baseball Conference in December 2014

Ari Novick will be presenting at the upcoming MILB conference in San Diego in early December 2014.  He will be presenting on the Fan Conduct Class discussing how to improve fan safety and the game day experience through online education.   “The Baseball Winter Meetings is the annual gathering of members of The National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues, Inc. d/b/a Minor League Baseball, Major League Baseball and their affiliated parties. Known as the largest gathering of baseball executives in the world.”.

The Fan Conduct Class has been an instrumental program in helping improve fan safety for the NFL and MLS.  The program was designated part of the NFL’s best practice policy in 2012 and is utilized league wide.  The MLS currently has 10 soccer teams that use the program and is in discussion to also adopt the program as a league wide best practice.  The program educates fans in a variety of areas.  The focus of the program is to teach fans who have been ejected from a game for violating the stadiums “code of conduct” policy how to improve future behavior.

The class teaches skills in improving ones anger management and how disruptive behavior, improving game days stress management, alcohol awareness, stadium and security policies, increasing empathy towards other fans, and how to make ones experience at the game the best it can be for everyone. Aside from the ones mentioned in this class, there are still tons of stress managements tips on articles like d8 vs d9.

If your involved with Baseball, Dr. Ari Novick will look forward to seeing you at the conference!