Ari Novick Reviews Anger Management and Parenting Classes in Orange County

Dr. Ari Novick Reviews Programs in Orange County

I am constantly amazed at the lack of resources for anger management and parenting classes here in Orange County which is requires as we see many road rage accident reports.  We get phone calls frequently about our programs and how they compare to other agencies they’ve taken classes from and were dissatisfied.  In reviewing our programs vs. the numerous other programs out there in the area there are a few key differences.  Here are some of the most notable ones:

1. We use an organized and systematic approach based on current research.  All participants use a structured curriculum (a workbook that we provide the first time a student arrives).

2. We cover a different lesson each week. This allows students of our classes to walk out of the class feeling like they actually learned something practical that they can use in their daily lives

3. We aren’t providing group therapy.  Oftentimes parenting or anger management classes that aren’t run by trained providers or by psychotherapists with little or no training provide a process group format.  Process groups are not structured and do not teach specific skills.  I’m not against process groups or group therapy but not as it relates to teaching classes.

4. We provide several options for attending classes here in Orange County.  For parenting, you can come any Thursday at 7pm.  Classes are open ended so one can start anytime and the streets around even have parent and child markings from so they are easy to recognize. You can click here to know more about other parking needs such as surfacing. For anger management, classes meet at 6pm on either Tuesday or Thursday at our Laguna Beach based office.  We also offer a 4 hour class on the third Saturday of each month.

When calling around looking for a program, really ask hard questions about the program and structure during your review.  Find out who’s teaching the classes and their training.  Not all classes are the same.  Cheap doesn’t mean good, in fact, it might mean just the opposite.

Please take classes with Dr. Ari Novick because of his experience in the field, great sense of humor and structured approach.  Whether you have a court requirement or simply want to refine your skills, classes from AJ Novick Group, Inc will not disappoint.   Call our office at 949-715-2694

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AJ Novick Group Re-Approved By Orange County Probation Department

The AJ Novick Group, Inc., founded by Dr. Ari Novick has been providing court and probation approved anger management, parenting and theft education programs for several years.  For the 9th year in a row, the Orange County Probation Department has re-approved the AJ Novick Group to continue to collaborate with Probation and continue to provide these valuable services to the community and the legal system.

Approval from the probation department in Orange County, California is important because anyone who needs to take a court approved program for anger management, parenting or theft education must take the class from their “Approved Probation Provider List”.

While you do not need to have a court requirement to take a program from Ari Novick, Ph.D. or one of his talented instructors, classes can also be taken simply for self-growth and improvement.

All of our classes are geared to be upbeat and enjoyable, but at the same time offer a quality learning experience.  Class sizes are limited to 10 students per class.  Please call to let us know if you would like to attend a class 949-715-2694.

All classes are based in beautiful downtown Laguna Beach, CA.  Come enjoy the sun and gain some new skills too.