Dr. Ari Novick’s Presentation at Minor League Baseball Conference is a Success!

Dr. Novick presented yesterday at the 2014 Baseball Winter Meetings in San Diego, CA.  The presentation was titled, “Fan Conduct Class- Improving fan safety and the game day experience”. The presentation was made to approximately 100 Minor and Major league teams and educated them about the Fan Conduct Class program.

While fan ejections are lower in baseball then some other professional sports, there are still a small percentage of fans that do get ejected from games for behaving badly and violating the clubs “Code of Conduct” policy.  The Fan Conduct Class program is a new way for professional baseball to address this very serious problem in an educational way.  Fans ejected will be required to complete the simple, yet informative, online class prior to being legally allowed back into the stadium.  Fans will learn basic skills to improve their behavior as well as get a 1/1 tutorial on the clubs code of conduct policy.MilB logo

The purpose of the class is to, of course, improve attendance and ticket sales, increase fan moral and safety and make the game day experience as good as possible for every fan.

If you attended the conference or simply want more information on the program, please fill out our contact form at Fan Conduct Class.com

Ari Novick, Ph.D. – Fan Conduct Programs

Dr. Ari Novick’s company, AJ Novick Group, Inc. also provides a variety of Fan Conduct classes for professional sports and large arenas who are in need of addressing the issue of unruly fans ejected from events for violating the team or arenas policy’s.

The Fan Conduct class is online course that was designed to help educate fans or guest of a particular stadium or venue about the rules of attending events.  The course teaches basic skills in alcohol awareness, improving stress management skills, anger management, communication, empathy and venue policies.  So, in this course, you will also learn more about alcohol, how to get help with behavioural addictions, consider doing a short online program, or attend a few AA meetings. You might be surprised at what you learn. The courses are a great addition to improving fan security and making the game day experience as pleasant as possible.

In past years, most venues would simply eject a fan who was behaving in an unruly or unsafe way.  In some instances they would take a cab home or get picked up from a friend or relative if they were drinking, but be allowed to return back to an event at anytime.  The Fan Conduct Class creates a one/one educational experience for the fan, and can be a requirement to re-enter the stadium or venue before the next big game, concert or event.

Currently, the NFL has made this program a best practice policy and the MLS has several teams also utilizing this program as part of their game day security practices.

Those interesting in learning more about the Fan Conduct Class can contact Dr. Ari Novick directly at 949-715-2694