Testimonial for Anger Class Online

It’s always nice to get positive feedback from clients and customers who utilize our products and services.  This email came to us today and I thought it would be nice to share:

“I wanted to commend your company on the excellent response we received from the two employees who successfully completed your (12) hour on-line Anger Management course.
Both employees stated that they felt the course curriculum had given them valuable insight into dealing with stress, on the job disagreements and controlling their anger and reactions. I should add that these were unsolicited comments and both men seemed sincerely impressed with how the course material had provided means for personal growth and insight.
Please feel free to use this note as a full endorsement of your products and call with any questions or comments you may have.
Have a wonderful Holiday Season!
To learn more about our online anger management classes for your employees, for court requirements or simply for personal growth, simply click here

AJ Novick Group Disruptive Physician Program Quoted in Medscape.com

Image 1Hospitals, well being committees, universities and doctors have few resources when it comes to getting help for disruptive behavior.  This is mostly due to the fact that some of the largest programs in the county, (Pace and Vanderbilt) are over populated and take most doctors away from their work for several days at a time.

The AJ Novick Group provides training for doctors identified with disruptive behavior and has several training options, including on and off site training, individualized programs, and tele-health programs that can be completed via Skype.   Medscape magazine online featured our company and highlighted the importance of referring doctors vs. incurring the potential liability of a lawsuit or sacrifice patient care.

For more information, please contact our office at 949-715-2694

Two Simple Rules to Live by to Better Manage Anger

Angry CoupleRule number 1.  Take personal responsibility for everything you do, think, and feel.
Rule number 2. Stop blaming others for your bad behavior.

Is it really that simple?  Well, yah, it is.  It’s true that there are numerous coping skills to better manage and control anger.  I have taught these techniques to anger management students for years.  Communicating better, that’s a no brainer that most people need a little help with.  Becoming more emotionally intelligent.  Sounds easy, but in practice, angry people struggle with this.  Just getting control of our stress.  These are some basic skills that are routinely taught in most anger management programs and by therapists across the country.

I believe that before we start gaining skills we must first embrace these two simple rules.  Let’s explore rule one.  Taking personal responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.  No one makes us behave badly nor controls our feelings or thoughts.  Controlling thoughts, feelings and emotions is a choice, a very conscious choice we all make.  One of the wonderful things that sets human beings apart from other animals on the planet, other than our apposing thumbs, is our large brains and high IQ.  What comes with a high IQ?  It is our ability to make choices and not act on instinct every time we get upset.

Let’s take a look at an example of this.  Lets say someone you don’t like insults you and you feel angry and decide to insult them back.  Then they apologize and you feel better.  Who was in control of your thoughts, feelings and behavior?  Sadly, it wasn’t you.  If others can make you angry and just as easily make you feel better, then all the power is handed over to them.  Taking responsibility gives us the freedom and control over ourselves and we can make smarter and more intelligent choices.  The simple rule of taking personal responsibility might sound simple, but it does take practice.

Now, I’d like to examine rule number 2.  Stop blaming others for our bad behavior.  It’s really easy to blame others for our actions.  There are several fundamental problems with this mentality.  The first is that other people don’t really have that control over you (as mentioned above) and the other is that when we behave badly the focus now moves to our behavior and not the topic at hand.  Blaming others is really easy.  When we do this, we shift all the responsibility on to them and its give us license to say or do as we wish.  The problem, of course, is that when we do this, the recipient will often focus on the bad behavior and not the problem.  This can be incredibly frustrating for someone that is looking to get respect for blaming others, much like someone seeking help at the clinic for their emotional struggles.

Here’s a case example:  Your wife comes home an hour late, without calling or texting you.  During this hour of waiting you’ve grown angry, insulted, worried and feel disrespected.  As the door opens you launch into yelling at her, expressing your anger.  Your voice is raised, yelling some non-flattering explicative. She storms off into another room and tells you to leave her alone.  Now your upset even more thinking “she’s the one who showed up late without calling and I’m the bad guy?”.  Sound familiar?

Well, you are the bad guy.  Why?  Because instead of taking control of your emotions and behavior, you allowed yourself to blame her for being upset and hostile.  She is now focused on your swearing and yelling rather than your justifiable complaint of her being an hour late.

Stop the blame game and do the right thing, by taking control of your own behaviors and stop giving yourself permission to behave badly.   Following these two simple rules might just be the game changer to happier and healthier relationships.

Ari Novick, Ph.D.
AJ Novick Group, Inc.

Dr. Ari Novick’s Presentation at Minor League Baseball Conference is a Success!

Dr. Novick presented yesterday at the 2014 Baseball Winter Meetings in San Diego, CA.  The presentation was titled, “Fan Conduct Class- Improving fan safety and the game day experience”. The presentation was made to approximately 100 Minor and Major league teams and educated them about the Fan Conduct Class program.

While fan ejections are lower in baseball then some other professional sports, there are still a small percentage of fans that do get ejected from games for behaving badly and violating the clubs “Code of Conduct” policy.  The Fan Conduct Class program is a new way for professional baseball to address this very serious problem in an educational way.  Fans ejected will be required to complete the simple, yet informative, online class prior to being legally allowed back into the stadium.  Fans will learn basic skills to improve their behavior as well as get a 1/1 tutorial on the clubs code of conduct policy.MilB logo

The purpose of the class is to, of course, improve attendance and ticket sales, increase fan moral and safety and make the game day experience as good as possible for every fan.

If you attended the conference or simply want more information on the program, please fill out our contact form at Fan Conduct Class.com

Ari Novick Recently Interviewed On MSNBC “Caught On Camera”

Dr. Ari Novick was recently featured on the 100th anniversary of MSNBC show “Caught on Camera”.  The show featured Dr. Novick as an anger management expert discussing some of America’s most angry outbursts caught on camera by others who witnessed the event first hand.  Dr. Novick was able to discuss and give expert opinion on why people behave badly.

Some of the vignettes included episodes of road rage, fast food ordering gone bad, and other displays of public aggression.  Shortly we will feature a video segment of the show on this topic.  Caught on Camera is a documentary style show and each episode new experts are brought on for each episode to discuss their viewpoints of the topics being covered.  The episode Dr. Novick was featured highlighted why people behave badly.  A topic that is interesting to almost anyone.

Dr. Ari Novick Talks About Disruptive Physician Behavior on Medscape

‘Disruptive’ Physicians Can Receive Treatment

Marcia Frellick
Slamming a portable X-ray machine into a wall in front of a patient. Screaming at a nurse. Throwing instruments. Death threats.

All of these infractions are reasons physicians have been referred by hospitals, medical boards, and even their own attorneys to programs that assess their behavior and work with them to correct it.

Read more about disruptive physician behavior and programs in this interesting article.

Ari Novick Talks About Alcohol Awareness Month

For those that didn’t know, April is Alcohol Awareness month in the United States as designated by the U.S. Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), to raise awareness about the problem of alcohol abuse and get help for addiction. Alcohol abuse affects millions of Americans each year,  According to MADD, every 90 seconds someone is involved in a drunk driving related accident. That is scary to me. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, consider exploring the Rehabilitation clinic to find the support and care needed at sites like https://rehabilitationclinic.co.uk/holistic-approaches-for-addiction/.

The basic problem with alcohol is that it affects our judgement and impulse control which could lead to addiction to alcohol and other drugs like cocaine which could cause serious kidney damage as you can see at https://www.anormed.com/blog/does-cocaine-cause-kidney-damage/.  Simply put, we don’t make good decisions when we are intoxicated and we end up behaving in ways we wouldn’t had we been sober.  Alcohol also acts as a depressive.  It makes us feel more calm and relaxed, but the side effect is that it can become addictive and it doesn’t allow us to really experience our emotions fully.

Most of my clients who experience problems with alcohol say drinking helps then “not deal” with how they are feeling.  If they are anxious, angry, sad or feeling some other unpleasant emotion the drinking helps to mask those emotions. Home drug detox is a potential solution to break free from such patterns. What’s the problem with that?  The problem is that if one doesn’t learn how to process how they really feel, then becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs become that much easier. Seeking professional support, such as Mogadon addiction help, can provide the necessary assistance in addressing the root causes of emotional struggles and promoting healthier coping mechanisms. There are also great resource at this sites like lizzardco.com.

So in the spirit of becoming more educated about alcohol, consider taking a short program online, or attend a few AA classes.  You might be surprised at what you learn.  Becoming clean from alcohol might open your eyes to becoming closer with family and friends and help the healing process in your life.

Ari Novick, Learn More About Him

Ari Novick, Ph.D. is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology.  He is the president of AJ Novick Group, Inc., which is a agency that provides both distance learning education programs as well as in person psychotherapy, group classes and executive coaching.  Ari Novick is the author of several online programs which include courses in anger management, disruptive fan conduct, parenting, alcohol awareness, sexual harassment, and more.  Dr. Novick is often sought out as a guest speaker and has been featured in many publications and news outlets.

For more information on Ari Novick or the AJ Novick Group, Inc., please visit their corporate website or call 949-715-2694