Dr. Ari Novick Talks About Disruptive Physician Behavior on Medscape

‘Disruptive’ Physicians Can Receive Treatment

Marcia Frellick
Slamming a portable X-ray machine into a wall in front of a patient. Screaming at a nurse. Throwing instruments. Death threats.

All of these infractions are reasons physicians have been referred by hospitals, medical boards, and even their own attorneys to programs that assess their behavior and work with them to correct it.

Read more about disruptive physician behavior and programs in this interesting article.

Ari Novick Talks About Alcohol Awareness Month

For those that didn’t know, April is Alcohol Awareness month in the United States as designated by the U.S. Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), to raise awareness about the problem of alcohol abuse and get help for addiction. Alcohol abuse affects millions of Americans each year,  According to MADD, every 90 seconds someone is involved in a drunk driving related accident. That is scary to me. If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, consider exploring the Rehabilitation clinic to find the support and care needed at sites like https://rehabilitationclinic.co.uk/holistic-approaches-for-addiction/.

The basic problem with alcohol is that it affects our judgement and impulse control which could lead to addiction to alcohol and other drugs like cocaine which could cause serious kidney damage as you can see at https://www.anormed.com/blog/does-cocaine-cause-kidney-damage/.  Simply put, we don’t make good decisions when we are intoxicated and we end up behaving in ways we wouldn’t had we been sober.  Alcohol also acts as a depressive.  It makes us feel more calm and relaxed, but the side effect is that it can become addictive and it doesn’t allow us to really experience our emotions fully.

Most of my clients who experience problems with alcohol say drinking helps then “not deal” with how they are feeling.  If they are anxious, angry, sad or feeling some other unpleasant emotion the drinking helps to mask those emotions. Home drug detox is a potential solution to break free from such patterns. What’s the problem with that?  The problem is that if one doesn’t learn how to process how they really feel, then becoming addicted to alcohol or drugs become that much easier. Seeking professional support, such as Mogadon addiction help, can provide the necessary assistance in addressing the root causes of emotional struggles and promoting healthier coping mechanisms. There are also great resource at this sites like lizzardco.com.

So in the spirit of becoming more educated about alcohol, consider taking a short program online, or attend a few AA classes.  You might be surprised at what you learn.  Becoming clean from alcohol might open your eyes to becoming closer with family and friends and help the healing process in your life.

Dr. Ari Novick – Alcohol Awareness Classs and Drug Education Online

Understanding how alcohol and drugs impacts us is serious business.  Both children and adults are often misinformed as it relates to understanding the effects of drugs and alcohol.  Dr. Ari Novick has put together several online programs that educate students about alcohol awareness and point them to top clinics like this one offering help for alcoholics in Conwy.  The classes are taught in a online format and are broken down by chapters.  The classes are presented in an easy to understand and enjoyable format.

The classes are part of the AJ Novick Group’s online portfolio of classes.  These programs are commonly taken for personal growth or for a court or legal requirement, such as a DUI or MIP.  The online format works well for a lot of people because the classes can be taken anytime from any location and from any device.  Students of these online alcohol awareness programs or drug education classes will walk away with new knowledge about these topics but also learn some new coping skills to better combat issues related to peer pressure and maintaining good stress management skills to stay clean and sober. If you need rehab or counselling services, you may look for a facility that utilizes ABA Medical Billing solutions that will make it easier to process any insurance-covered claims and bills.

The programs come in different lengths, such as 8 hours, 12, 16, 20, 24 and 32.  Dr. Novick designed the classes for both the general public, but also for employers and students.  For more information, simply visit our website by clicking the link above, or contact Ari Novick, Ph.D. at 949 715-2694

Ari Novick, Ph.D. – Fan Conduct Programs

Dr. Ari Novick’s company, AJ Novick Group, Inc. also provides a variety of Fan Conduct classes for professional sports and large arenas who are in need of addressing the issue of unruly fans ejected from events for violating the team or arenas policy’s.

The Fan Conduct class is online course that was designed to help educate fans or guest of a particular stadium or venue about the rules of attending events.  The course teaches basic skills in alcohol awareness, improving stress management skills, anger management, communication, empathy and venue policies.  So, in this course, you will also learn more about alcohol, how to get help with behavioural addictions, consider doing a short online program, or attend a few AA meetings. You might be surprised at what you learn. The courses are a great addition to improving fan security and making the game day experience as pleasant as possible.

In past years, most venues would simply eject a fan who was behaving in an unruly or unsafe way.  In some instances they would take a cab home or get picked up from a friend or relative if they were drinking, but be allowed to return back to an event at anytime.  The Fan Conduct Class creates a one/one educational experience for the fan, and can be a requirement to re-enter the stadium or venue before the next big game, concert or event.

Currently, the NFL has made this program a best practice policy and the MLS has several teams also utilizing this program as part of their game day security practices.

Those interesting in learning more about the Fan Conduct Class can contact Dr. Ari Novick directly at 949-715-2694

Orange County Anger Management Classes offered by Ari Novick, Ph.D.

Dr. Ari Novick offers a wide variety of anger management classes in Orange County.  His agency, AJ Novick Group, Inc. offers court and probation approved anger management classes each week at their Laguna Beach, CA based office.  These group classes meet on Tuesday and Thursday each week at 6pm.  The cost is $35 per class.  Most people will attend 10 classes, but classes can also be taken up to 52 weeks in duration if needed.  Call for more information at 949-715-2694

The Anger management classes are a great way to gain new skills to make relationships better and to interact with others in a more positive way.  Classes are structured, use a sound curriculum and are upbeat and enjoyable.  Feel free to just show up the day of the class or call our office for more information.  Anger management classes meet at:

AJ Novick Group, Inc.
333 Third Street, Suite 4
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

Dr. Novick’s company also provides anger management classes online.  The same curriculum that is used in the in person weekly classes is applied in an online format.  These courses are ideal for those that have busy schedules or can not find a class located conveniently near their home or office.  The online anger classes are a great option for the right circumstance.

Ari Novick, Learn More About Him

Ari Novick, Ph.D. is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology.  He is the president of AJ Novick Group, Inc., which is a agency that provides both distance learning education programs as well as in person psychotherapy, group classes and executive coaching.  Ari Novick is the author of several online programs which include courses in anger management, disruptive fan conduct, parenting, alcohol awareness, sexual harassment, and more.  Dr. Novick is often sought out as a guest speaker and has been featured in many publications and news outlets.

For more information on Ari Novick or the AJ Novick Group, Inc., please visit their corporate website or call 949-715-2694